Thursday, November 27, 2008

Give THANKS Today

You have many things to be THANKFUL, friends and your health. Today, more than any other day, is a reason to celebrate that.
Life is a MARATHON. Patience is still a virtue. You embrace the victories and learn from the losses.
Today, I give thanks for my family and friends and my third grade soccer team.
I have coached recreational soccer for over 10 years. While I have seen my share of gifted players and terrific teams, my favorite team is the one I am coaching right now. They are an incredible bunch of third graders in West Nyack, NY. Our record this year was 0-6-1.
Why are they my favorite team? Because each and every game they NEVER GAVE UP. Always in it until the end.
The other team had their one or two star players who always scored the goals. While the balance of THEIR teammates where on a winning team, those other kids weren't doing anything to contribute. They just liked being on a winning team. Who wouldn't. Pretty shallow, right?
My kids, however, all contributed. They worked as a team, tried different positions and came ready to play and always played to win. When the game was over, win or lose, they went to the side of the field, had their snack, and made plans for playdates later in the day. Come on, they had their priorities.
In life they are going to be successful. They learned that you are not always going to win. Nobody wins every game. But they did learn never to give up. While there are more important things in life than playing soccer, the life lessons they are learning now will help define how they approach what hits them later on in life.
And when the game was over, they wanted to hang out with each other off the field. In the car going home, nobody talks about the game. They are too busy planning drop-offs and pick-ups for playdates.
And the message is? While it is normal to feel bad at the start of a RIF, let it go. Be a part of a team that never gives up. Stay positive around your friends and family, be grateful for them, let them know how much YOU care.
More importantly, NEVER EVER, EVER, EVER, GIVE UP! Not on your family, your friends or yourself. You will get another job, get your career back on track, you will prevail.
Right now, enjoy your playdate and get some turkey!

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